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Máy đo độ nhám bề mặt Phase II SRG-4500

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Hãng: Phase II
Tình trạng: Còn hàng
Bảo hành: 12 tháng
Model: SRG-4500

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Máy đo độ nhám bề mặt Phase II SRG-4500

Hãng sản xuất : Phase II - USA

Model : SRG-4500


The newest addition to our state-of-the-art surface roughness testers profilometer, the SRG-4500 will instill the highest level of confidence in your production, shop floor or QC lab. Extended memory and output coupled with multiple useful functions the SRG-4500 surface roughness tester profilometer is clearly the new leader in ultra accurate surface profile testing.
These surface roughness testers profilometers are distinguished by a high level of accuracy, multiple parameters and simplicity of operation. Extremely sensitive and highly accurate readings from this Phase II surface roughness tester profilometers are offered via 15 popular surface roughness scales including Ra, Rq(Rms), Rt, Rz and Rmax. 

The diamond stylus is hypersensitive and sophisticated enough to allow for a .001 (um) micron display resolution. The SRG-4500 surface roughness tester profilometer can utilize an easy interface to allow for changes of in/mm (uin/um), cutoff length, sampling length, parameters, level of test(stylus position), digital filters and more! Measurement results are displayed as large characters on the LCD screen for easy recognition. 

Battery powered portability allows the SRG-4500 surface roughness testers profilometers to mobilize productivity throughout the shop.

15 Different roughness parameters

Inside/Outside Diameters

Stylus position indicator

Output to optional printer/PC

Extended memory functions

SRG-4500 comes supplied with:

- Base Instrument with 5µm Stylus

- Leveling Plates

- Calibrated Reference Standard

- A/C Adapter

- Rugged Carry case

- Operation Manual

- Certificate of Calibration

Technical Specifications:

Measures flat, Inside, Outside Diameters and sloping surfaces

Measures grooves and recessions: wider than 0.16in (4mm)

Surface Roughness parameters: Ra, Rz, Ry, Rq, Rt, Rp, Rs, Rv, Rsm, Rmax, Rm, R3z, Rsk, Rpc, Rmr.

Surface Roughness standards: ISO/DIN/JIS/ANSI

Display resolutions:

  0.01µm/+/-20 µm

  0.02µm/+/-40 µm

  0.04µm/+/-80 µm

Measuring accuracy: ≤±10%

Repeatability: Less than or equal to 6%

Measuring range: 

  Ra, Rq: 0.01-40µm 

  Rz,Ry,Rp,Rt,R3z, Rm: 0.02-160µm 

  Sm, S: 2-4000µm 

  Rsk: 0-100%

Maximum drive range: 0.7in(17.5mm)

Cut-off length: 0.009/0.03/0.09inch (0.25/0.8/2.5mm)

Tracing speeds: 

speed 1mm/s (sampling length 2.5mm)

speed 0.5mm/s (sampling length 0.8mm), 

speed 0.135mm/s (sampling length 0.25mm)

Sensor: Inductance type

Sensor-stylus: Diamond, radius 5µm

Pick up Force: <4mN


Data output: USB

Operating temperature: 41ºF-104ºF (5º-40ºC)

Weight: 0.97lb(440g)

Dimensions: (119 x 47 x 65mm)

Power: Li-Ion rechargeable battery

Auto shut-off

máy đo độ nhám

Shown with optional support stand

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