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Máy đo độ cứng cao su Shore A Phase II PHT-960

0 lượt đánh giá

Hãng: Phase II
Tình trạng: Còn hàng
Bảo hành: 12 tháng
Model: PHT-960

Giá bán:

6.100.000 đ Giá chưa bao gồm VAT
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Máy đo độ cứng cao su Shore A Phase II PHT-960

Model: PHT-960

Hãng sản xuất: Phase II - USA 

Rubber: Soft vulcanized (ie tyre), natural nitrile

Elastomeretric materials (rubber & rubber like): GR-S, GR-1, neopene, thiokol, flexible polyacrylic esters neoprene, thiokol, flexible polyacrilic esters.

Other: Wax, felt, leather etc. (materials that normally yield under fingernail pressure, such as the heel on your shoe). 


Measuring range: 0-100 HSA/HSD

Deviation: <1%H

Resolution: 0.5H

Digital read out

Auto Hold feature

HSA<+/-1 grade

Uses 1-SR44 Button Cell Battery

Custom rugged carry case

Designed to test the hardness of Rubbers and Plastics

These sleek hand held hardness testers are crafted and engineered to perform at the highest level of accuracy. An ergonomic lightweight design assists in taking precise and consistent hardness measurements.

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